2. Timing

In order for you to see the benefit of fastnumbers, some timings are collected below for comparison to equivalent python implementations. The numbers may change depending on the machine you are on. Feel free to download the source code to run all timing tests.

Note that the test results are for Python 2.7. The trends are the same for Python 3.x, but the in general Python 3.x is faster at converting strings to integers than Python 2.7 so rather than a 4x speedup you will only see a 2x speedup for integers on Python 3.x compared to Python 2.7.

Additionally, because of the addition of allowing underscores in numbers in Python 3.6, conversions for both the Python built-in and fastnumbers are slower than earlier versions.

2.1. Built-in Functions Drop-in Replacement Timing Results

The following timing tests compare conversions to numbers using both the built-in Python float and int functions, and the fastnumbers drop-in replacement functions.

2.1.1. Timing Runner

import sys
from timeit import repeat

def mean(x):
    return sum(x) / len(x)

def time_input_against_all_functions(value, label, with_int=False):
    """Run the given input on all function types."""
    funcs = ('int', 'float',) if with_int else ('float',)
    fmt = '{func}({value!r})'
    for func in funcs:
        print(label + ',', "fn"+func + ':', end=' ')
        time_results = repeat(fmt.format(func=func, value=value),
                              'from fastnumbers import {}'.format(func),
        time_results = mean(time_results)
        print(time_results, 'seconds')
        print(label + ',', func + ':', end=' ')
        time_results = repeat(fmt.format(func=func, value=value),
        time_results = mean(time_results)
        print(time_results, 'seconds')

print('All timing results are the average of 10 runs.')
time_input_against_all_functions('-41053', 'Int String', with_int=True)
time_input_against_all_functions('35892482945872302493947939485729', 'Large Int String', with_int=True)
time_input_against_all_functions('-41053.543034e34', 'Float String')
time_input_against_all_functions('-41053.543028758302e256', 'Large Float String')
time_input_against_all_functions(-41053, 'Int', with_int=True)
time_input_against_all_functions(-41053.543028758302e100, 'Float')

The following are the results:

All timing results are the average of 10 runs.

Int String, fnint: 0.186911249161 seconds
Int String, int: 0.660544228554 seconds
Int String, fnfloat: 0.198802471161 seconds
Int String, float: 0.219639778137 seconds

Large Int String, fnint: 0.574236178398 seconds
Large Int String, int: 0.854444551468 seconds
Large Int String, fnfloat: 0.681066322327 seconds
Large Int String, float: 0.637784719467 seconds

Float String, fnfloat: 0.252382349968 seconds
Float String, float: 0.542794394493 seconds

Large Float String, fnfloat: 1.09777746201 seconds
Large Float String, float: 0.96131811142 seconds

Int, fnint: 0.153172326088 seconds
Int, int: 0.191195559502 seconds
Int, fnfloat: 0.157608604431 seconds
Int, float: 0.182482266426 seconds

Float, fnfloat: 0.141705727577 seconds
Float, float: 0.185694789886 seconds

2.2. Error-Handling and Checking Functions Timing Results

The following timing tests are for the functions that convert input to numbers but adds extra error-handing, and also the functions that check that an input can be converted to a number.

2.2.1. Timing Runner

The timing tests presented below use the following function to run the timings:

from timeit import repeat

def mean(x):
    return sum(x) / len(x)

def time_conv(regex, try_, fast):
    Run timing tests on multiple types of input,
    for multiple types of functions.

    print('All timing results are the average of 10 runs.')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Non-number String,', x, mean(repeat('{}("not_a_number")'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Int String,', x, mean(repeat('{}("-41053")'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Large Int String,', x, mean(repeat('{}("35892482945872302493947939485729")'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Float String,', x, mean(repeat('{}("-41053.543034e34")'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Large Float String,', x, mean(repeat('{}("-41053.543028758302e256")'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Float,', x, mean(repeat('{}(-41053.543028758302e100)'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Int,', x, mean(repeat('{}(-41053)'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')

def time_test(regex, try_, fast):
    Run timing tests on multiple types of input,
    for multiple types of functions.

    print('All timing results are the average of 10 runs.')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Non-number String,', x, mean(repeat('{}("not_a_number")'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Int String,', x, mean(repeat('{}("-41053")'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Large Int String,', x, mean(repeat('{}("35892482945872302493947939485729")'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Float String,', x, mean(repeat('{}("-41053.543034e34")'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Large Float String,', x, mean(repeat('{}("-41053.543028758302e256")'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Float,', x, mean(repeat('{}(-41053.543028758302e100)'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')
    for x, y in zip(('re:', 'try:', 'fast:'), (regex, try_, fast)):
        print('Int,', x, mean(repeat('{}(-41053)'.format(y[0]), y[1], repeat=10)), 'seconds')

2.2.2. Converting Floats

The code to perform the float conversion timings is given below:

float_re = '''\
import re
float_regex = re.compile(r'[-+]?\d*\.?\d+(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?$')
float_match = float_regex.match
def float_re(x):
    """Function to simulate safe_float but with regular expressions."""
        if float_match(x):
            return float(x)
            return x
    except TypeError:
        return float(x)

float_try = '''\
def float_try(x):
    """Function to simulate safe_float but with try/except."""
        return float(x)
    except ValueError:
        return x

time_conv(['float_re', float_re],
          ['float_try', float_try],
          ['fast_float', 'from fastnumbers import fast_float'])

The following are the results:

All timing results are the average of 10 runs.

Non-number String, re: 0.573668313026 seconds
Non-number String, try: 2.18123717308 seconds
Non-number String, fast: 0.169103908539 seconds

Int String, re: 1.14506702423 seconds
Int String, try: 0.376295471191 seconds
Int String, fast: 0.198381090164 seconds

Large Int String, re: 1.92678444386 seconds
Large Int String, try: 0.756599807739 seconds
Large Int String, fast: 0.650611639023 seconds

Float String, re: 1.82797636986 seconds
Float String, try: 0.687785792351 seconds
Float String, fast: 0.242390632629 seconds

Large Float String, re: 2.31674897671 seconds
Large Float String, try: 1.07994887829 seconds
Large Float String, fast: 0.970883083344 seconds

Float, re: 1.93790380955 seconds
Float, try: 0.333303022385 seconds
Float, fast: 0.133689498901 seconds

Int, re: 2.0137783289 seconds
Int, try: 0.326768898964 seconds
Int, fast: 0.140902447701 seconds

2.2.3. Converting Ints

The code to perform the int conversion timings is given below:

int_re = '''\
import re
int_regex = re.compile(r'[-+]?\d+$')
int_match = int_regex.match
def int_re(x):
    """Function to simulate safe_int but with regular expressions."""
        if int_match(x):
            return int(x)
            return x
    except TypeError:
        return int(x)

int_try = '''\
def int_try(x):
    """Function to simulate safe_int but with try/except."""
        return int(x)
    except ValueError:
        return x

time_conv(['int_re', int_re],
          ['int_try', int_try],
          ['fast_int', 'from fastnumbers import fast_int'])

The following are the results:

All timing results are the average of 10 runs.

Non-number String, re: 0.513276076317 seconds
Non-number String, try: 3.59187278748 seconds
Non-number String, fast: 0.154757094383 seconds

Int String, re: 1.62476005554 seconds
Int String, try: 0.857665300369 seconds
Int String, fast: 0.188158082962 seconds

Large Int String, re: 2.24101734161 seconds
Large Int String, try: 1.12569539547 seconds
Large Int String, fast: 0.643681025505 seconds

Float String, re: 0.732820224762 seconds
Float String, try: 3.60975520611 seconds
Float String, fast: 0.163253188133 seconds

Large Float String, re: 0.729602479935 seconds
Large Float String, try: 3.65623159409 seconds
Large Float String, fast: 0.163104772568 seconds

Float, re: 2.32226393223 seconds
Float, try: 0.539329576492 seconds
Float, fast: 0.290531635284 seconds

Int, re: 2.01958138943 seconds
Int, try: 0.326728582382 seconds
Int, fast: 0.130790877342 seconds

2.2.4. Checking Floats

The code to perform the float checking timings is given below:

isfloat_re = '''\
import re
float_regex = re.compile(r'[-+]?\d*\.?\d+(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?$')
float_match = float_regex.match
nums = set([float, int])
def isfloat_re(x):
    """Function to simulate isfloat but with regular expressions."""
    t = type(x)
    return t == float if t in nums else bool(float_match(x))

isfloat_try = '''\
def isfloat_try(x):
    """Function to simulate isfloat but with try/except."""
    except ValueError:
        return False
        return type(x) != int

time_test(['isfloat_re', isfloat_re],
          ['isfloat_try', isfloat_try],
          ['isfloat', 'from fastnumbers import isfloat'])

The following are the results:

All timing results are the average of 10 runs.

Non-number String, re: 1.00798327923 seconds
Non-number String, try: 2.1671749115 seconds
Non-number String, fast: 0.161317801476 seconds

Int String, re: 1.25955090523 seconds
Int String, try: 0.568465399742 seconds
Int String, fast: 0.174383997917 seconds

Large Int String, re: 1.58316028118 seconds
Large Int String, try: 0.962632489204 seconds
Large Int String, fast: 0.204193854332 seconds

Float String, re: 1.43826227188 seconds
Float String, try: 0.947708177567 seconds
Float String, fast: 0.176113319397 seconds

Large Float String, re: 1.50998635292 seconds
Large Float String, try: 1.2951467514 seconds
Large Float String, fast: 0.182495999336 seconds

Float, re: 0.384200811386 seconds
Float, try: 0.526714110374 seconds
Float, fast: 0.132399153709 seconds

Int, re: 0.385046958923 seconds
Int, try: 0.525576925278 seconds
Int, fast: 0.138587331772 seconds

2.2.5. Checking Ints

The code to perform the int checking timings is given below:

isint_re = '''\
import re
int_regex = re.compile(r'[-+]?\d+$')
int_match = int_regex.match
nums = set([float, int])
def isint_re(x):
    """Function to simulate isint but with regular expressions."""
    t = type(x)
    return t == int if t in nums else bool(int_match(x))

isint_try = '''\
def isint_try(x):
    """Function to simulate isint but with try/except."""
    except ValueError:
        return False
        return type(x) != float

time_test(['isint_re', isint_re],
          ['isint_try', isint_try],
          ['isint', 'from fastnumbers import isint'])

The following are the results:

All timing results are the average of 10 runs.

Non-number String, re: 0.967393517494 seconds
Non-number String, try: 3.5071721077 seconds
Non-number String, fast: 0.142234826088 seconds

Int String, re: 1.07628540993 seconds
Int String, try: 1.07323606014 seconds
Int String, fast: 0.146803045273 seconds

Large Int String, re: 1.39286680222 seconds
Large Int String, try: 1.29413485527 seconds
Large Int String, fast: 0.190896821022 seconds

Float String, re: 1.15165970325 seconds
Float String, try: 3.55873417854 seconds
Float String, fast: 0.148036885262 seconds

Large Float String, re: 1.15159604549 seconds
Large Float String, try: 3.60109534264 seconds
Large Float String, fast: 0.145488548279 seconds

Float, re: 0.400713467598 seconds
Float, try: 0.685648226738 seconds
Float, fast: 0.129911446571 seconds

Int, re: 0.405667829514 seconds
Int, try: 0.530900597572 seconds
Int, fast: 0.127823591232 seconds